Mayurasana (Peacock Pose)

Incorporated in some systems of physical culture, and known as the "planche".

1. Knee and place the palms together on the floor with fingers pointing towards the toes.

2. Support the lower ribs on the elbows, lean forward and stretch out your legs , with knees rigid, till your body is balanced on your elbows.

3. Considerable pressure is placed on the abdomen, which has a massaging effect. It is an advanced exercise, needs strength and is not really a stomach reducing one, for no one with a pot belly could manage it.

Benefits: According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika the benefits are: Cure chronic gastritis, dropsy and disorders caused by phlegm, bile and wind. Enlargement of stomach, liver and spleen is arrested; digestion improves and kidneys work more efficiently; blood is purified by increased circulation; the whole body become radiant and handsome; youth is prolonged and the span of life increases.