Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)

1. Lie on your back with arms parallel to your body, palms down.

2. Keeping the knees rigid, raise legs slowly till they are vertical (See Viparetha Karani).

3. Then, aided by the arms, raise the torso till the body rests on shoulders and neck, body and legs being perpendicular.

4. Support back and part of rib cage with palms and fingers and press chin against the throat. Hold the posture for a few moments, then slowly lower legs, thighs and torso. When accustomed to the asana, hold the vertical  position for two or three minutes

When done properly the body will rest mainly on the abdomen and the pelvic area. It is called  the Bow because the body takes the shape of a bow.

Benefits: Tones sex glands, thyroid and stomach.

Vipareeta Karani Mudra

The second position in sarvangasana when the legs are vertical, when blood is drained from legs, thighs and stomach. The position may held for minutes.


Benefits: Helps to relieve constipation, headaches and varicose veins.