Shavasana or Savasana

(Relaxed, Death or Corpse Pose)

Between or after the Asanas lie on your back with every limb of the body, including mind, fully relaxed for fifteen to twenty minutes.
Breathing may be slowed down. Try to be in a state just prior to falling asleep.
No Yoga Session is complete without the Corpse Pose.
It is the body’s time to process information after a Yoga Exercise, and it is a must that you stay awake during the five to ten minute
-duration of this pose.


1. Lie flat on the back with the arms outstretched and parallel with the body.

2. Relax the entire body, starting with the feet, limb by limb, till even eyes, nose, cheeks and lower jaw are relaxed.

3. Go over each part to make sure that relaxation is complete. Make the mind a blank and still the emotions.


Benefits: Savasana produces complete relaxation, often sleep, and should be performed after strenuous physical or mental effort. Let the mind go as well.
This posture is most useful for reliving fatigue caused by all kinds of exercises, including breathing, Mudras and long Samadhis. It is very refreshing and
imparts new vigor to the mind and sense organs.