Vajrasana (Ardha Vajrasana)

1. Kneel.

2. Lean back till the buttocks rest on the heels. Keep the body erect, arms straight, hands on knees.

3. Lean back till head and shoulders touch the floor.

4. Bring the arms back over the head so that the hands lie on the floor, too.

Benefits: This difficult posture, which is rarely achieved at the first attempt, stretches the muscles of chest and shoulders, tones the nerves in the pelvic cavity, develops the lungs and assists elimination. Because they are more supple women do this more easily than men.


(Thunderbolt Pose, Pelvic Pose)

1. Kneel on the floor with legs apart, body upright, hands on knees.

2. Lean backwards slowly, lowering your buttocks on to your heels and continuing till your head and shoulders touch the floor.

3. Carry your arms over your head till eventually they  too are stretched at full length on the floor.

Very difficult for men, except the young; women find this far easier as their back, thighs and legs are more supple. There are variations of this pose; in one only the head touches the floor; in another the buttocks are raised off the floor and the body forms an arch.

Benefits: It stretches thighs, chest and shoulders, strengthens them and gives the spine the correct curve, brings pressure to bear on the pelvic area  develops the chest and assists elimination.


Purna Vajrasana

1. Kneel.

2. Sit back with the legs under the thighs, the buttocks resting on the heels, body erect, hands on the knees.

3. Lean back so that the body forms an arch resting on knees and head, with the arms thrown back, elbows on the floor, hands clasped. The head should be as close to the toes as possible. The head must be lowered gradually to the floor.

Benefits:  Stretches the ligaments of the thighs, chest  and shoulders, curves the vertebrae and tones the nerves in the pelvic cavity. Needs great suppleness and more than normal strength of back.